Finaid’s custom financial aid calculators can help you determine school costs, how much you’ll need to save, and the total financial assistance you’ll need.
The SAI is an estimate financial aid offices use to determine how much federal student aid a student would receive if they attended their particular school.
Learn the overall loan savings possibilities and loan term reduction that you can observe with extra payments, loan total adjustments, or various interest rates.
See what your monthly loan payments will be and the salary you’ll need to comfortably make your loan minimum payments.
It's the hottest site on the Internet for financial aid tips.
Make it your first stop. This site offers some of the best 'how to' guidance on securing financial aid.
It's a fabulous resource with calculators and other resources to help you figure out the best repayment method for you.
It's the hottest site on the Internet for financial aid tips.
Make it your first stop. This site offers some of the best 'how to' guidance on securing financial aid.
Simplify the prcoess by transferring your Federal tax return information into your FAFSA form.
Learn all about the Federal School Code, why you need it and where to find it.
The FAFSA process has introduced the Student Aid Index (SAI) which supersedes the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) formula.